
Sharing is CBS Caring.

Disclose More. Control More. Engage More. We’re going with a more-is-more approach with our new CBS improvements. Now CBS admins and trainers can share important session-related documents with their students. Admins can also customise the Dietary and/or Learning Requirements field, and, by doing so, tailor the enrolment process to better align with your business needs. Students can use this field to convey additional information when they enrol in a session.

Just Landed – two enticing CBS features that improve student support: document sharing and customisable student information fields.

Our new features create a better, more supportive experience for everyone by enabling resources to be easily shared and for the individual needs of your students to be clearly communicated.


  1. Instant document sharing provides your students with additional resources.
    CBS administrators and trainers can now easily share session-related documents with students.
  2. Modify an enrolment field to suit your business’s needs.
    CBS admins can now customise the label and placeholder text for the Dietary and/or Learning Requirements field.
    The field provides a space for additional information that students can use when enrolling in a session.

Feature elaboration

Want to know more? Here are further details about these enhancements.

Quick and smooth – sharing session-related documents with students

CBS administrators and trainers can now provide students with additional resources by uploading documents directly to the session. One little click makes the document available to all CBS students, allowing additional session information such as an itinerary, pre-reading, and learning materials to be shared. By giving students access to key session materials, you can make your sessions more informative, engaging, and accessible to everyone.

Here’s what we’ve changed to make this possible:

Checkbox added

Admins and trainers can upload files against a session via the Session related file(s) section of the Session Enrolment tab. In doing so, they make the files available to those managing the session. Previously, there was no way to share these files with students. As of this release, there is a new ‘Make file available to students’ checkbox that appears next to each uploaded file. It gives CBS management the ability to share documents with students. It also provides them with complete control over which documents students can access.

The checkbox is switched off by default, which means the file is only accessible by admins and trainers. Switching the checkbox on makes that session file available to all CBS students (admins and trainers also retain access). Once shared, students enrolled in that session and those thinking about enrolling can immediately access that file. Alternatively, switching the checkbox off instantly removes student access to that file.

File access for students

CBS students can access information about a session by clicking on its name in the Classroom Training platform. This opens the Session Details pop-up, which includes a new section called ‘Related Session Files’ that contains all session-related files that are available to students. The student clicks the file name, which is a hyperlink to the document. Once opened, the student can save or download the file.


  • Enrolled students can access a session’s details from the Enrolled Sessions tab of the My Sessions page.
  • Pending enrolment students can access a session’s details from the Pending Sessions tab of the My Sessions page.
  • Any student can access a session’s details from the Course Details page. For students who aren’t enrolled and students whose enrolment is pending approval, the Session Details pop up link is available from the Scheduled Sessions section. For enrolled students, the Session Details pop up link is available from the Enrolled Sessions section.
  • When there are no student accessible files for a session, the ‘Related Session Files’ section contains a message that states, ‘No files are associated with this session.’.


Tailor an enrolment field to suit your business’s needs

More flexibility in CBS means more control. Now, admins can customise the label and placeholder text of the field students use during enrolment to provide additional information.

In the Classroom Training platform, students can fill out a field that communicates their study or session needs – whether it’s dietary requirements, learning needs, personal preferences, or anything else they deem relevant. They can add this information to their Settings page and during session enrolment. Trainers and CBS admins can then use this information to better support their student. As of this release, admins can customise the name of that field and its placeholder text to suit the prerequisites and perspective of your organisation. Previously, this field was called ‘Dietary and/or Learning Requirements’ with a placeholder text stating ‘ie. vegan, dairy free, sitting in front of classroom, ...’. Those options are now the default versions for that field. 

To achieve this change, we’ve added two text fields in the CBS Admin Settings: Enrolment comment label and Enrolment comment placeholder text. They are both a maximum of 128 characters and are under the new heading ‘Student Enrolment Settings’.

With these customisable fields, an admin can ask their students a more pointed question and provide a fitting example answer, leading to better communication and a more inclusive learning environment.




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