Manual Tasks in Aged Care
We have updated our course on Manual Tasks in Aged Care to align to current best practices in both Australia and New Zealand.

Course Overview:
This course has been developed to provide you with an understanding of why and how musculoskeletal injuries occur, as well as some practical tips on how to perform hazardous manual tasks as safely as possible.
This course will provide an understanding of:
- the physical principles that relate to manual tasks
- how to perform hazardous manual tasks as safely as possible, and
- how to assess and reduce the risks associated with hazardous manual tasks.
Reasons and benefits of the update:
This product has been updated to ensure alignment with best practice behaviours across Australia and New Zealand.
The product has been converted into Responsive format. We recommend that clients update to the new units for an improved learner experience.
Changes have also been made to pre-assessment questions and/or references to legislation that only affect some sections and learning outcomes. We therefore recommend that clients update to the new units and use Adaptics to determine which sections of the training learners need to review.
This product has also been updated to provide more relevant imagery and text modifications in line with current terminology.