
In exciting news, you can now assign Learning Cloud licences to groups via Configuration.

Assigning Learning Cloud licences just got a whole lot easier. So, give your employees their education hats and let them learn with the cloud.

Do you want to do awesome things awesomely in Configuration, like quickly assigning Learning Cloud licences to a group? Well, now you can via the Cloud Licensing page! 

Our latest enhancement helps you take control of your company’s learning by increasing your ability to self-service via Configuration. The Cloud Licensing page in Configuration reduces your administrative burden by giving you more fine-grained control over your cloud licences. From here, you can create groups and allocate Learning Cloud Licences to those groups. 

You don’t even have to create groups to use our Cloud Licensing feature. Instead, you can use the parent group we set up for you. 

If you do, however, want to set up groups, you’ll be happy to know that there is plenty of room on the page to have as many groups as you need. For example, you may want to divide your licences between offices, departments, locations, customers, teams, regions, businesses, or branches. This page enables you to create as many groups as you like and allocate licences to those groups as you see fit. Moreover, if you have multiple learning platforms that need different SCORM settings between those platforms, then you can use the Cloud Licensing page to make that happen.

Additional features

On top of creating groups and allocating learning cloud licences, you can use the Cloud Licensing page to:

  • find your course listing by group, course name, or course ID via the Search bar
  • locate unused licenses and assign them to other groups
  • define a learning activity’s licence and course settings
  • see how many licences have been used for a learning activity
  • find out how many licences are left in the parent group and then assign them to other groups
  • track a group’s licence usage
  • edit a Cloud Licensing row
  • disable a Cloud Licensing row
  • download a CSV of these reports:
    • Licence Usage Summary
    • Detailed Licence Usage

Setup - what do I need to know?

Before you get started, please be aware of the following:

  • The Cloud Usage Summary page has been renamed. It’s now called the Cloud Licensing page. You can access it via:
    • Configuration > Site Settings folder > Licensing & Usage folder > Cloud Licensing.
  • If you haven’t used Cloud Licensing before and would like to, please get in touch with us so that we can set it up for you.
  • Please also contact us if a learning activity that you want does not appear on the Cloud Licensing page or if you need more licences assigned to the parent group for a learning activity.
  • The licence number in the Learning Cloud group (which is the parent group) is the number of licences that can be allocated to a child group for that learning activity. You can also reduce the number of free licences allocated to a child group so they can be assigned to a different group.
  • The Assignable Learning Activities page has been updated. For more information, please see the Assignable Learning Activities section at the bottom of this page. 

Quick workflow

If you are a Site or Learning Cloud administrator, you can allocate Learning Cloud Licences via:

  • Configuration > Site Settings folder > Licensing & Usage folder > Cloud Licensing page > click the + Allocate Licence button at the top > select a learning activity that has licences in the Learning Cloud (parent) group > add a new group > review the Course settings > update the licence settings > save your changes.

NOTE: Once you’ve added a group, it becomes an option available for selection in the Group settings. 

Licence Usage

To use a licence, download the SCORM package and then launch that course via your third-party Learning Management System (LMS). Once launched, the Usage column shows that a licence has been used for that course and group.

Here’s how you download a SCORM package:

  1. Open the Cloud Licensing page in Configuration.
  2. Find the learning activity you need. Then, check the Group column to ensure your licences will be assigned to the right group.
  3. Click the Download icon. You can find this icon under the Usage column and in the row for your chosen course. It downloads the SCORM package for that course.

Assignable Learning Activities

We've updated the Assignable Learning Activities page to keep it in line with the Cloud Licensing page.

What's changed on the Assignable Learning Activities page? We've: 

  • removed the Cloud column, which included the Download icon.

  • added a label named Cloud Delivery for courses that are cloud-enabled (this will only show if you have a Cloud site).

  • added a column called Provider that displays the name of the company that provided the course.

  • updated the Source column to show whether the course is a Learning Activity, SCORM package, Kineo Course, or Other. 


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