
Have you seen the Training Transcript changes? Oh, how they shine!

We are excited to announce new Training Transcript developments. By providing clearer and more detailed records, we can improve training management and enhance your learner’s training experience – it’s like cleaning your glasses and looking up to find exactly what you need.

Have you seen the Training Transcript changes? Oh, how they shine!

The training progress of your workforce is important to us, which is why we’ve upgraded the Training Transcript platforms. These enhancements make it easier for the learner to see and track their training progress and for administrators to report on and manage their learners’ training activities.


We’ve boosted the value of Training Transcripts by:

  • Enhancing the Training Points summary.
  • Including the Training Point Type in the Training Point column.
  • Improving how dates display for External, Online, and Classroom Training records.

These changes have been made to:

  • The Training Transcript page in the Learnforce Portal.
  • An account’s Transcript tab in the Learning Management System (LMS).
  • The transcript’s printed version and CSV export. 

Detailed View

When it comes to improving the Training Transcripts, we have: 

Increased the amount of Training Point information

Previously, the Training Points column only showed the assigned number of training points. It now also includes the training point type – for example, CPD, CPD Points, CPD Credits, CPD Hours, CPD Minutes, or a custom option. We’ve achieved this by listing the number first, followed by the type. This information is pulled directly from the course, offering you a more detailed insight into the nature of your training points.


You can create custom training point types for your Learnforce Activity Builder courses and ETR records via:

  • Configuration > Products > Learning Management > Training Points

Learnforce assigns training point types to all other courses.


Enhanced Training Points Synopsis

We’ve amplified the summary at the top of the Training Transcript page to show more detail. It now also displays the total number of training points by type. This can include a training point type called other training points, which is where training points without a defined type are assigned. The total training hours and the date are also listed in the summary. For example:

  • Total training hours: 27:25 as at Jun 6, 2024 – Total training points: 5 CPD, 8 CPD Points, 2 CPD Credits, 3 CPD Hours, 640 CPD Minutes, 35 other training points.

To enable comprehensive reporting, these details are also included in the Export CSV and Print functionalities.

When there are no training point types on the page, the summary will simply gather the points together and list them as training points. For example, 0 training points or 8 training points.

Improved Date Displays

External Training Records (ETRs)

For all ETRs, the Start Date and Completion Date columns will now only display the date (without the time) in both the onscreen view and Print functionality. In the past, only the Refresher Date followed that format.

The CSV export still includes the date and time under the Start Date and Completion Date columns for all records, including ETRs; this is to ensure consistency and facilitate data filtering.

As deadline dates are not applicable for ETRs, the Deadline Date column for these records will always be empty.

Online Training Records

Only the date (not the time) is shown in the Deadline Date column for Online Training Records when you print the transcript or view the information on the webpage. The CSV already followed this format and continues to do so for Online Training Records.

Classroom Training Records

The Deadline Date column is now left empty for Classroom Training Records. Whereas previously it displayed as N/A by default. This change appears on the screen, in the printed version of the records, and in the CSV export.

  • Training point types are not assigned in the Classroom Booking System; therefore, Classroom Training Records do not include training point types. However, we will be adding this feature in the near future. 
  • As refresher and deadline dates are not used for Classroom Training, their correlating fields are always empty.



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