
Exclusive access for your custom role accounts.

Just like going into the VIP suite of a swanky cocktail bar, your custom role accounts can now access training management information in the Portal Dashboard… if you let them in.

Have you ever wanted to give a custom role better visibility over training in the Portal’s Dashboard? Have you ever needed an account to have managerial access to training information without making them a Site Administrator or Direct Manager? You have! Well, that’s fantastic because, as it happens, we’ve got a fancy new feature that’s just for you!

When you, as a Site Administrator, add a custom role to…

  • Configuration > Site Settings > Access & Security > Roles & Permissions > Learning Management > Browse > Groups, Accounts & Learning Activities

… and then

  • Assign that role to an account for a group of your choosing

… it’s like you’re suddenly an exceptional optometrist. You’ve just given that account the vision to see the Dashboard like a superhero manager with computer x-ray vision. Thus, allowing them to manage the training requirements of their assigned group.

When an account has been assigned that custom role, they can see and use the Dashboard the same way a Direct Manager can. They can then use the Dashboard to keep on top of their team’s training, including sending them reminder emails and exporting their training results into a CSV file. Please note that their access is limited to the groups they have permission to see.

How it works

  1. The Site Administrator:
    1. creates the custom role in Configuration.
    2. adds that role to Groups, Accounts & Learning Activities (also via Configuration). 

  1. The Site or Learning Management Administrator selects an account in Learning Management, goes to their Roles tab, and then adds a group with that custom role. 

  1. The account user then logs in and goes to the Dashboard in the Portal. They can now see the training requirements of their group (the one assigned in step 2). They can export the group’s training results into a CSV file and send learners in that group training reminder emails. If they have managerial access to more than one group, they can shift between their groups using the My team drop-down. 

Filed under Configuration, Portal



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