
Enrolment Closed – for when access to your CBS session is hotter than a Taylor Swift ticket

Just like an Aussie beach in January, your CBS sessions are hot! Hot! HOT! And you can handle the heat with our new Enrolment Closed option. It’s so easy to use. Just put up that closed sign and let the mass crowd cool their jets.

Book success as we introduce the Enrolment Closed Session Status – a smarter approach to training management. It’s a hassle-free way to oversee training sessions in the Classroom Booking System (CBS).


Here’s Why You'll Love It:

  1. Ultimate Control: Breathe easy as you easily remove the stress of last-minute enrolments. Or use it as a bonus way to restrict booking numbers and prevent overbooked sessions. Reopening the session and allowing new enrolments is just as easy.
  2. Swift and Simple: Effortlessly close session enrolments with a click. In doing so, you simplify training searches by ensuring that the only enrolment options visible to students are for active sessions. Meanwhile, you can locate closed sessions by using the Session Status filter to return Enrolment Closed results.

  3. Quiet and Tidy: It’s noiseless and clean because it doesn’t send unnecessary correspondence to trainers and enrolled students. Which means you won’t clutter their inboxes with unwanted emails and notifications.
  4. Smooth and Precise: Managing enrolments can be a substantial task, the intensity of which can increase as the session’s start date draws near. By using the new Enrolment Closed option, you give yourself time to provide trainers and attendees with everything they need and eliminate unexpected last-minute enrolments.
  5. Optimised Experience: The ability to close and re-open enrolments for a session creates a smoother, more user-friendly interface that keeps everyone happy and focused on learning.

With the new Enrolment Closed option, you're not just managing your sessions – you're mastering them.

You can set up correspondence for the session by allowing notifications and/or emails to be sent to enrolled students and/or trainers. When you update certain session details it triggers the correlated messages to be sent. As this information is important, these messages are sent even when enrolment has closed. For example, if your session is closed for enrolments, your attendees will still be notified if you update the time or date of that session.


Where is this feature?

In the CBS, the Enrolment Closed option is available:

  • On the Sessions list page for any active session.
    Classroom Booking administrators and Course-level trainers can use the Actions drop-down on this page to change the Session Status from Active to Enrolment Closed. They can also use the Actions drop-down to change the Session Status from Enrolment Closed to Active.

  • When editing a session that has an Active Session Status.
    On the Edit Session tab, go to the Training Details section and select the Enrolment Closed option from the Session Status drop-down. You can also use this drop-down to change the Session Status from Enrolment Closed to Active.  

Filed under Classroom Booking System for



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