
Cloud Licensing Wins - When having your head in the clouds means having your head in the game

Managing software licenses in the cloud is a critical business function for many organisations. This is why we’re working towards a more transparent and efficient way for you to manage and maximise your cloud investments.

Efficient and effective cloud licensing management is fundamental in today’s increasingly complex digital environment. It ensures organisations remain compliant, helps them avoid unnecessary costs, optimises software investments, enhances visibility into software usage, and supports better decision-making processes. This is why we’re excited to announce the arrival of our cloud licensing management improvements and our upcoming plans to enhance this functionality. Our current and future cloud developments focus on providing you with greater visibility and control.

Overview - This Release

As part of our commitment to improving user experience, we’ve reorganised Online Training-related configurations and placed them into a centralised location. To achieve this, we’re introducing a new section in Configuration called Online Training Management, which can be found under Site Settings.

Overview - Future Releases

We are working on enhancing cloud licensing flexibility, simplifying configuration functionality, and improving cloud administration and management capabilities. These enhancements will offer greater transparency in licence usage and ensure better alignment with pricing models for course and bundle subscriptions.

Our Motivation

Our cloud licensing management project is centred on providing a more intuitive and streamlined experience, allowing for easier management and oversight of training initiatives. Our updates will enhance the functionality and clarity of our cloud licensing tools, ensuring organisations have the flexibility and control needed to manage online training. These improvements will help organisations deliver consistent, high-quality training that aligns with their goals and values, enabling them to create, distribute, and monitor training programs with ease.

Laptop, IT, and clouds


Changes in this Release

Key Changes

Below is a summary of the changes to Configuration that are available in this release.

  • We’ve added:
    • An Online Training Management folder in Configuration under Site Settings.
    • Two new Learnforce Cloud YES/NO toggles to enhance user privacy and support seamless integration across multiple LMS platforms.

  • We’ve renamed and moved:
    • The Assignable Learning Activities page.
      It is now called Assignable Courses and has been moved to the new Online Training Management folder.
    • The Cloud Licensing page.
      It has been renamed Learnforce Cloud and now lives in the Online Training Management folder.

In More Detail

We have consolidated various online training-related settings into a single location, making it easier to manage online training. As part of this change, we’ve introduced a new folder within Configuration under Site Settings called Online Training Management.

It’s situated under the Licensing & Usage folder and contains these three pages:

1. General

The General page contains the general Online Training Management settings for your site.

The sections and settings within this page are as follows:  

The General Settings section

We relocated the following two YES/NO toggles and placed them in the General Settings section of the General Settings page:

  • Enable Learner Feedback

    When you set this toggle to YES, a learner can add their feedback to non-Activity Builder courses on course completion.
    (For Activity Builder courses, enabling learner feedback is managed directly in that authoring tool.)

  • Disable Training Certificates

    Training Certificates are disabled when you set this toggle to YES.

Previously, these toggles were located here: 

  • Configuration > Products > Portal > General.

Even though they have a new home, their purpose and selected setting remain the same.

The Learnforce Cloud section

We’ve created two new Learnforce Cloud YES/NO toggles to enhance user privacy and support seamless integration across multiple LMS platforms. To prevent accidental changes, these toggles are read-only. They are set to NO by default and can be modified upon request. Please contact Kineo if you would like to discuss these Learnforce Cloud features or request their activation.

Site admins can find these toggles in the Learnforce Cloud section of the Online Training Management’s General Settings page; they are:

  • Do not track full names in Learnforce Cloud

    If you request that we activate this feature by changing this toggle to YES, your new cloud users will be registered as Anonymous Cloud User instead of their real names being tracked in the Learnforce Cloud. By not tracking full names, the system protects user identity, which can be especially important for organisations with stringent data protection policies or those wishing to anonymise user data. In places with strict privacy laws (such as GDPR in Europe or similar regulations in Australia), anonymising user data helps organisations comply with legal requirements regarding personal data handling. Generalising user data is also useful when individual identification is unnecessary. It allows training metrics to be collected without associating them with specific individuals.
  • Create unique Learnforce Cloud usernames for each host LMS

    If you request that we activate this feature by changing this toggle to YES, each Learning Management System (LMS) will be able to create unique usernames within Learnforce Cloud. This avoids user conflicts when multiple LMS platforms are involved. By creating unique usernames for each host LMS, the system prevents conflict when multiple LMS systems contain the same username or user ID as it treats them as separate entities in Learnforce Cloud. It ensures accurate tracking and reporting, avoids overlap or conflicts, and allows for separate user identities within each LMS, even if the same user is registered across different systems. By avoiding conflicts, users can seamlessly access the content they need without confusion, and administrators can more easily manage user data and permissions.
The Learnforce Cloud section is only visible when Learnforce Cloud is enabled on your site.


2. Assignable Courses

We’ve renamed and moved the Assignable Courses page to the new Online Training Management folder. Previously, it was called Assignable Learning Activities, and it was located here:

  • Configuration > Site Settings > Licensing & Usage.

The Assignable Learning Activities page within Configuration provides a centralised view of all learning activities on your site. This feature allows administrators to efficiently manage and allocate training content so that the right courses can be assigned to your users.

3. Learnforce Cloud

Formerly known as Cloud Licensing, the Learnforce Cloud page has also been moved to the new Online Training Management folder. It was previously located here:

  • Configuration > Site Settings > Licensing & Usage.

The Cloud Licensing page provides detailed control over your cloud licences, allowing you to create groups, allocate Learnforce cloud licences, and track licence usage. It offers tools to search for courses by group, name, or ID, identify and reassign unused licences, and customise course settings. You can also edit or disable cloud licensing rows and download reports in CSV format.


Looking Ahead

We are committed to improving cloud administration and enhancing your management capabilities. In the near future, we plan to introduce:

  • Functionality that allows Site and Activity Builder admins to add Learnforce Activity Builder (LAB) courses directly to the cloud.
  • Features enabling Cloud admins to access and download Cloud packages, view licensing usage details, set up group licences, and link courses to bundled licences.

We are also focusing on improving cloud administration on our end; these changes will make it easier for us to support your cloud management needs. The planned updates will simplify the management of online training and cloud licensing and provide greater flexibility, functionality, and control over licence allocation and cloud utilisation. 

Filed under Configuration



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