
CBS: The missing link.

We've connected the pathway between a student’s calendar invite response and the CBS. This important link enhances CBS communications, streamlines session enrolments, and ensure trainers are kept informed of student decisions.

We are excited to announce updates to the CBS calendar invite response system. These changes improve connectivity, enhance session management, and increase the flow of communication.

How the CBS Handles Calendar Responses.

The CBS sends a student a CBS calendar invite email when they are enrolled in a session. The student can accept, tentatively accept, or decline the invite. As of this release, the CBS is updated depending on their response.  

  • The following information pertains to how the CBS acts in relation to calendar invites. When a student accepts, tentatively accepts, or declines an invite, their personal/work calendar will be updated as per its options and settings.
  • CBS notifications can only be received if the user has activated this feature.

Calendar Invite Response Actions.

Doing nothing:

  • Students are sent a calendar invite when they are enrolled in a session. The invite provides them with the opportunity to confirm or cancel their enrolment or communicate that they are unsure if they will attend. Their enrolment is unaffected if they do nothing (they do not accept, tentatively accept, or decline the invite).

Accepting a calendar invite:

  • Accepting the invite confirms the student’s attendance.
  • The trainer receives an email and notification regarding the student’s acceptance.
  • The trainer can see the student’s enrolment status in the CBS by taking these steps:

    1. Select the session.
    2. Click the Session Enrolment tab.
    3. Go to the Enrolled Students section of the tab.
    4. Look in the Invitation Response column.

    In this column, the student is listed as Accepted on “dd/MMM/YYYY”. For example, Accepted on 27/Jan/2025.
  • The CBS will send session reminder emails when they are required.

Tentative response:

  • From the trainer’s perspective, the student is classed as enrolled, but tentatively. The trainer receives an email and notification regarding the tentative response. In addition, the trainer’s CBS portal shows the student as being tentatively enrolled.

    The trainer can see the student’s Tentative status in their CBS portal by taking these steps:

    1. Select the session.
    2. Click the Session Enrolment tab.
    3. Go to the Enrolled Students section of the tab.
    4. Look in the Invitation Response column.

    In this column, the student is listed as ? Tentative on “dd/MMM/YYYY”. For example, ? Tentative on 28/Jan/2025.
  • When the student logs into their CBS portal, they can see that the session has kept its enrolled status. It appears in their CBS calendar and under their enrolled sessions.
  • The CBS will send session reminder emails when they are required.
  • The student can change their tentative response to accepted or declined. If they do so, then their session status is updated accordingly.

Declining a calendar invite:

  • The student is automatically unenrolled from the session. The CBS reflects this response by removing the student’s enrolment from their CBS portal and from the session itself.
  • Trainers receive an email and a notification about the declined invite.
  • The CBS will not send session reminder emails to the unenrolled student. 
  • When a student declines, their seat is offered to the next pending student (if there are any in the queue) and relevant notifications are sent to both the trainer and the student.



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