
Calling all Direct Managers

Are you the Direct Manager of a Direct Manager who directly manages the training of a team? If so, the Dashboard in the Learnforce portal can now help you make more sense of your teams’ training requirements – and it can even help you translate that first sentence.

Calling all Direct Managers

Welcome to My team, the new Dashboard drop-down in the Learnforce portal. It displays for Direct Managers who also have the Site or Learning Management administrator role.

Why is this so good? Because the Dashboard is your one-stop shop for overseeing the training requirements of your staff. And you can now use the My team drop-down to pinpoint your team’s learning progress. You can also use it to filter by a group of accounts when your Direct Reports are also Direct Managers; this allows you to see the training information for the learners that report directly to that manager.

NOTE: You won’t see the My team drop-down if you have the Site or Learning Management administrator role, but you don’t have any Direct Reports. You can, however, access the training details for all accounts on the site by looking in the All users’ learning progress section of the Dashboard.

NOTE: For information on Direct Reports and Direct Managers, please see our An account's Direct Manager and Direct Reports article. If you would like information on roles, please see our View and add Site roles against an account article.

How it works

Our new My team drop-down has the following options:

  • All – shows the training statuses of all users within the organisation; this option is only available for Site administrators who have Direct Reports.
  • My team – displays the training statuses of your Direct Reports; these are the accounts that report directly to you.

    In the Learning Management System, your Direct Reports appear on your Roles tab in the Direct Reports section. For example:

Direct Reports - Learning Management System

  • Direct Manager's team – a listing of your employees (your Direct Reports) that are also Direct Managers. For example, Darla Jones, Jane Lee, and John Smith report directly to you (they are your Direct Reports). They each have a team of people who report directly to them (their Direct Reports). As such, they appear in the My team drop-down like this:
    • Darla Jones’s team
    • Jane Lee’s team
    • John Smith’s team

My team drop-down - managers' names

When you choose a team, the system returns that team’s training requirements. Please be aware that these results do not include the team’s manager’s training requirements. However, you can get their results by using the All or My team options in the drop-down.

Label change

To ensure this enhancement works well within the Dashboard, we’ve also adapted one of the labels on the page. What happens now is that the learning progress label changes based on whose training details are displayed in that section. Here are the available labels:

  • All users’ learning progress – appears when you select All
  • Your team’s learning progress – appears when you select My team
  • Direct Manager's team’s learning progress – appears when you select a particular team, for example, Jane Lee’s team’s learning progress.

Jane Lee's team example

Previously, there was only one label for this section: Your team’s learning progress, and the drop-down didn't appear. Now the label adapts depending on what you’ve picked in the My team drop-down! (As per the dot points mentioned above.)  

Learning progress label


Filed under Portal



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