
Export information with ease with the Training Summary report

To make your life easier, we’ve added an Export function within the Graphical output of the Training Summary report. You can now click one button to download all chart information - no more clicking every segment to obtain all the results you need!

We’ve added a new Export button that enables you to download the statistics for all Training statuses. An Export button is available for each pie chart in the Graphical Output tab of your generated Training report.

NOTE: You may not see all four pie charts; it depends on your setup.

The available pie charts are as follows:

  • Online Training
  • External Training
  • Classroom Training
  • Total Training

You can use the Export button underneath a pie chart to export the results for that graph. The Total Training Export button combines all your training results in one export. Previously, you needed to click each segment of the graph and then collate the results manually. The segment export feature is still available. You can use it to export the information pertaining to one segment. All you need to do is click on the segment you want to export, and the system exports that data for you.

We have also renamed the Expired segment so that it represents the actual status of a course. As such, this segment is now called Overdue.

For more detailed information about this announcement, click here: Kineo Knowledgebase link
Filed under Reporting



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