
Course Category improvement


Move course categories with ease using the new Move functionality.

To improve the experience of our Site Admins, a Move button has been added against each Course Category unit; this enables you to move your unit to another category with ease.

Clicking the Move button opens a pop-up window where you can choose a new destination for your unit. When you submit the request, the unit is moved to your chosen category.

The functionality to drag the unit and drop it to the required category is also still available.

Note: As units cannot be moved to the Other Courses category, Other Course is not an option within the drop-down of the pop-up. As per previous functionality, you can still use the Remove button to delete the unit.

To access your Course Categories, please go to:

  • Configuration > Product section > Portal folder > My Training > My Training Categories section > and select Manage course categories.

Filed under Configuration



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