Platform Service Level (PSL)

Last revised - 22 January 2024
Classification - Public


Version 1.1

Published effective 22 January 2024

Last reviewed 22 January 2024

Classification Public

Approved by Head of Kineo Courses

1. Hosted Platform - Production

Hosted platform includes the following products:

Kineo Responsibilities
Hosted Platform Availability The Hosted Platform will be available online 24/7, 365 days a year
Acceptable Service Levels Hosted Platform and functionality will be available and demonstrated to work as described in the product knowledgebase.
Platform Responsiveness

All user interactions within the platform are to be responsive, and deemed reasonable for the task at hand.

Where functionality responsiveness is noticed as unacceptable an Incident will be logged and managed via the Kineo Help Desk.

Availability Percentage Calculation

For the Hosted Platform Kineo targets 99.9% uptime for the delivery of the acceptable service level as calculated during a quarterly period (excluding planned maintenance).

An external third-party tool will measure the baseline percentage.

The uptime percentage is derived by automated checks on the system at 1 minute intervals over the calculated period.

Should a confirmed Incident (e.g. reduced functional responsiveness) not be recorded by the automated tool, the percentage will be adjusted to include the Incident as unavailable from the notification to resolution period.

Client Responsibilities
Compatible Browsers

A computer with an active internet connection and one of the following browsers installed:

  • Google Chrome – latest version
  • Mozilla Firefox – latest version
  • Safari – latest version
  • Microsoft Edge – latest version

The browser must also be actively supported by its provider.

Minimum Browser Settings

  • JavaScript enabled
  • Cookies enabled
Optional Plug-ins / Software

A compatible PDF viewer – for the delivery of course certificates, resources and hosted files.

Mobile Devices Support

Some components of the platform are designed to be responsive on mobile device browsers. Suitability and support of specific devices are subject to Client’s individual assessment.

Virtual Environments The usability of the platform through any desktop, software or user virtualisation system is subject to the configuration and the support of the Client’s internal IT resources.

2. Hosted Platform - Beta

Hosted platform includes the following products:

Refer above to hosted platform – production products.

Kineo Responsibilities
Hosted Platform Availability The Hosted Platform will be available online 24/7, 365 days a year.
Acceptable Service Levels Hosted Platform and functionality will be available and demonstrated to work as described in the product knowledgebase.
Platform Responsiveness

All user interactions within the platform are to be responsive, and deemed reasonable for the task at hand.

Where functionality responsiveness is noticed as unacceptable an Incident will be logged and managed via the Kineo Help Desk.

Availability Percentage Calculation

For the Hosted Platform Kineo targets 99% uptime for the delivery of the acceptable service level as calculated during a quarterly period (excluding planned maintenance).

An external third-party tool will measure the baseline percentage.

The uptime percentage is derived by automated checks on the system at 1 minute intervals over the calculated period.

Should a confirmed Incident (e.g. reduced functional responsiveness) not be recorded by the automated tool, the percentage will be adjusted to include the Incident as unavailable from the notification to resolution period.

Scheduled maintenance and release window A scheduled maintenance and release window occurs every Friday between 2-5PM ACST. During this period short periods of downtime may be experienced. Details of extended periods of downtime will be recorded and notified on the status page.
Database Refresh The database on the beta platform will be updated to mirror the production platform on the 28th day of every month. The database update will commence at 12:00am ACST and take up to 10 hours. This will adjust all data that has been uploaded, amended or deleted and any product configuration changes on the beta platform.
System triggered emails All system generated email notifications will not send from the beta platform. This ensures that end users do not receive duplicate emails which would also be sent from the production platform.
SCORM Courses All SCORM courses uploaded to the production environment will not be accessible from the beta environment. The beta environment supports the uploading of new SCORM courses for testing purposes.
Resources Tool All assets uploaded to the resources tool in the production environment will not be accessible from the beta environment. The beta environment supports the uploading of new assets to the resources tool for testing purposes.
Client Responsibilities
Hosted Platform Availability Refer above to hosted platform – production requirements.

3. API Integrations

Refer to the knowledgebase for a list of available APIs.

Client Responsibilities
API Limits API implementations impose 1 request per second limits to prevent demand load during peak times.

4. Hosted SCORM Content

Hosted SCORM content refers to SCORM 1.2 courses delivered on the Kineo platform.

Kineo Responsibilities
SCORM course compatibility In the event of a compatibility issue attributed to a defect in Kineo’s product, Kineo will resolve the problem via Kineo Help Desk.
Client Responsibilities
SCORM course compatibility

For third-party or Client-provided content, the Client is responsible to troubleshoot errors related to delivery.

Compatibility of provided SCORM content will be assessed against as suitable without error.

For unresolved compatibility issues the matter can be escalated to Kineo’s third-party SCORM partner at the Client’s cost. Where the issue identified is attributed to a defect in the Kineo platform, Kineo will cover the cost for any agreed initial investigation.

Additional Browser Settings For viewing SCORM content enabling browser pop-ups may be required.

5. Service Manuals and Documentation

Kineo Responsibilities
Service Provided

Kineo will advise the Client of how the service is to be provided, and how the Client should use the service.

Kineo will ensure all key information about the service and relevant supporting systems are maintained.

Client Responsibilities
Advise of updated information

The Client will advise Kineo of any relevant information to ensure accuracy including:

  • Contacts: Help desk, Key Administrators and User Groups of the Service both regional and national
  • Business Information
  • Business changes which may have an effect on the service or conflict with the Platform Service Levels

Out of Hours contact, or to give authority for Kineo to make decisions on behalf of the business.

6. Reporting

Kineo Responsibilities
Terms and conditions Ensure the Client is informed of any changes in the Terms and Conditions for the delivery of services.
Service Levels Monitor and report on agreed service levels at intervals agreed between Kineo and the Client.
Procedures Advise the Client of any changes in procedures that would require an amendment of either parties’ responsibilities.
Running Costs Advise the Client of the cost for running and supporting this service, where this can be established, and to advise of any subsequent increase or decrease.
Client Responsibilities
Reporting of incidents The Client will report any new incidents related to the service to Kineo’s Support Help Desk as soon as reasonably practicable.
Service evaluation The Client and key contacts are encouraged to share their evaluation of the service.

7. Support Help Desk and Tickets

Kineo Responsibilities
Reporting of incidents All reported Incidents requiring follow up are managed by the Kineo Help Desk and will be tracked by numbered tickets for each issue raised.
Client Responsibilities
Reporting of incidents The Client will use the Support Help Desk for raising all incidents.

8. Client Contacts

Kineo Responsibilities
Kineo contacts A list of approved Client contacts to access the Support Help Desk will be defined and updated during service implementation and/or review.
Client Responsibilities
Client contacts Should any changes to approved contacts be necessary the Client will inform Kineo.

9. Out of Hours Support / Emergencies

Kineo Responsibilities
Platform availability Platform availability is automatically monitored by third-party software to alert on-call Kineo staff should an Incident arise related to platform availability.

10. Limited End User Support

Kineo Responsibilities
End user support

Support for End Users (including learners, contractors, and group administrators) is not covered by the standard PSL unless otherwise agreed.

End User support is typically provided by the Client’s internal support mechanism or some other arrangement. To assist with support to End Users ancillary tools such as a documentation and searchable knowledgebase are available for high-level administrators.

11. Ancillary Support Services and Tools

Kineo Responsibilities
Knowledgebase / FAQ

Kineo offers a library of documentation and videos on the use of platform functionality.

View the Knowledgebase

Current Service Status Page

Kineo provides updates on scheduled maintenance, any Incidents and platform availability via a current service status page.

View the Status Page

Product Updates

Kineo provides updates on all product changes via the product updates site. Prior notification of all changes align with the release classifications.

View the product updates


Kineo run regular live Webinars on various products, which Client Administrators can join free of charge. The recordings of these Webinars are available for downloading afterwards. Specialised training can be provided on request with an associated cost.

View the webinar schedule

12. Severity Levels, Incidents and Requests

The following matrix defines the agreed communication time frames based on the severity level of each Incident / request.

1 - Critical

Description Acknowledge Response Resolution
Service level is unavailable or inoperable, and Users cannot work. 10 mins 1 hour 2 hours

2 - High

Description Acknowledge Response Resolution
Service level is affected, and Users are restricted. 30 mins 2 hour 4 hours

3 - Medium

Description Acknowledge Response Resolution
Service level is affected, Users are inconvenienced but can work. 2 hours 24 hour 48 hours

4 - Low

Description Acknowledge Response Resolution
Non urgent request. 24 hours 48 hour 5 business days
Kineo Responsibilities
Acknowledge For all Incidents, Kineo will acknowledge the notification has been received and prioritise a response by the severity level.
Response Kineo will investigate the Incident and provide a response as either an immediate resolution or detail of an ongoing investigation towards resolution.
Resolution A resolution is communicated when the Incident is permanently fixed, no longer exists, or can be reasonably circumvented with a non-permanent workaround.
Severity Levels and Timelines The matrix above defines the agreed communication time frames based on the severity level of each Incident / request.

Should a resolution not be possible within the agreed time frame, Kineo will communicate the estimated time for resolution.

If an estimate time for resolution is not known after the response deadline, Kineo will provide updates at agreed intervals as required.

Escalation to Kineo Service Management will be requested after the resolution time frame as elapsed.

Client Responsibilities
Incident Notification Incidents are to be notified by the Client to the Support Help Desk with appropriate detail.

13. Maintenance and Release

Kineo Responsibilities
Planned Outages / Maintenance

At times Kineo will introduce changes to the services and platform. These include:

  • System maintenance and changes to hosting infrastructure.
  • Roadmap development and other new features
  • Bug fixes and releases related to Problem management
Infrastructure Upgrades and Maintenance

Infrastructure changes are necessary for the ongoing uptime and security of the platform. These changes are deployed to consider infrastructure software updates and patching.

Kineo will monitor the platform for performance and at times introduce infrastructure changes to ensure optimal load balancing and security of the shared service. These upgrades are subject to the notification period defined in the table ref Part B.

Where an upgrade will not affect the user experience (such as server capacity upgrades) Kineo will make the change unannounced to manage optimal performance.

Roadmap Feature Release and Enhancements

Scheduled feature releases include new system functionality or changes to existing functions designed to improve the user experience. All new features and functions are scheduled as agreed by the release management process.

Assurance / Regression Testing All changes are to be tested and documented before release.
Pre-release / Testing New functions are made available in a beta platform.
Release Communication

All new functions will be documented and uploaded to the Product Updates which contain detailed release notes regarding all new changes to be introduced to the platform.

Release notes will be made available in line with maintenance and release prior notification schedules, and users can subscribe to receive weekly email updates.

For system updates to infrastructure that are not classed as an emergency, but may impact users, Kineo must provide notice to the nominated Client contact. All notifications of maintenance are made through the status page

Release Type Impact Outage Window Prior Notification Period Prior Notification Source
New System or Product Introduction of new system or product 0-8 hours 14 days prior

Product Updates for release notes

Status Page for any outage or release schedules

Major Major changes to user experience or and functionality to existing systems/platform 0-6 hours 7 days prior

Product Updates for release notes

Status Page for any outage or release schedules.

Minor Minor changes to user experience and functionality for existing systems/platform 0-4 hours 1 day prior

Product Updates for release notes

Status Page for any outage or release schedules

Hot Fix No change to user experience, comprises only bug fixes or customization requests. 0-2 hours  None

Product Updates for release notes

Status Page for any outage or release schedules.

Direct contact for any customisation requests.

Emergency Restoration of service or result of an Incident As required As required

Status Page for any outage or release schedules.